KYS Award

On behalf of Ahtahkakoop Health Centre, we would like to present five peers (5) with the Sheldon Bowman Leadership Memorial Award. Sheldon Bowman was an active role model for peers living with HIV in our community. He was our Know Your Status leader and wanted to help make a difference even if it was just one person he impacted. He left us suddenly 5 years ago. Ahtahkakoop Health Centre would like to honor him by helping others who are leaders in the Know Your Status Program.

Do you know a peer working in your community who possess the following qualities:

  • Promoting Know Your Status Initiative – Attending, participating, utilizing skills learned in everyday work and living.
  • Support – Supporting newly diagnosed peers and continually supporting other peers by sharing experiences, listening, and referring to different professional services.
  • Sharing their story to promote good health and reduce stigma and substance abuse.
  • Commitment and Dedication – Shows commitment to HIV and educating people on HIV medications and the reduction of stigma.
  • Training – Actively participates in programming and workshops, uses the knowledge gained from programming to help others who are struggling with diagnosis or other stressful situations.
  • Sustainability – Is your peer committed to broaden their knowledge of HIV and people effected/affected by HIV.
  • Courage – Shown to have the courage to own their diagnosis, adhere to medication and educate others on the barriers to overcome.
  • Shows an authentic passion for compassion, empathy and dedication to their work as a peer.

If someone you know embodies these qualities, than we would like you to write a 1/2 page to one (1) page reason why your peer should be chosen.

Please send the nominations to Darren Skibinsky no later than February 22, 2023, so the committee has time to select the winning candidates.

Forward you nominations to the following email below: